«Blacks are vulnerable and ostracized by the political system»

Derou Georges Blezon, Président of MouReDiN. Photo : Voix d’Exils

Derou Georges Blezon, Président of MouReDiN. Photo : Voix d’Exils

The Movement for the Respect and Dignity of Blacks (MoureDiN) is a non-profit organization based in Lausanne, Switzerland, since 2006. It defends cohabitation with respect to the freedoms and rights between foreigners and natives living in Switzerland. It also aims at orientate and help young people through projects created and supported by community partners such as ACOR SOS Racism and the International League against Racism and Anti-Semitism (LICRA). These projects focus on raising awareness and encouraging young blacks and foreigners to integrate local society and to organize their professional future. Derou Blézon George, President of MoureDiN, answers questions from Voix d’Exils.
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