Some words in favor of egotism

Proud Slug by Darren Johnson (CC BY 2.0)

Proud Slug by Darren Johnson (CC BY 2.0)

I usually refer to egotism when people ask me about the most important thing for being a writer. The term seems to be very confusing as people usually associate it with selfishness, arrogance and pride. People with no writing career find it strange that a socially unfavorable characteristic is viewed as an essential trait for providing something good for our communities and hence the need to explain that unless somebody feels like a messenger s/he might not be able to pass on their message.
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Syrian freedom

Syria Is BLEEDING ! Syrians' Protest in Times Square - Manhattan, New York City - 03/10/12 .  (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

« Syria is BLEEDING ! » A Syrian protest in Times Square, Manhattan, New York City, 03/10/12 . Author: Asterix611 (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

The opinion of a Syrian citizen in Switzerland

In 1963, Al Ba’ath party holds the command in Syria, and for around 50 years, Syria lost all the good things which had been achieved among years of being one of the first countries in the region which applied the democratic principles in its political life. It lost also the great tradition of having a lot of principles and techniques to rule the state correlating various and different parties.
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The Syrian tragedy

. Une fillette blessée par une bombe à Damas le 26.10.2012. Galerie de FreeDomhouse. (CC BY 2.0)

Une fillette blessée lors d’un bombardement à Damas le 26.10.2012. Galerie de FreeDomhouse. (CC BY 2.0)

When will this massacre in Syria stop? When will justice finally take place? These questions are essential to answer in the Syrian case as quickly as possible. After more than two years of planned and intentional massacres, every conscious being in the world should feel this real tragedy, and speak up to demand the end of the killing of Syrians now.

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